Grilled Porcini Onions. Breaking out the grill? Make this easy side dish - grab a few large onions, slice them into 1” discs, brush on some olive oil and sprinkle them with Caravel Gourmet's Porcini Sea Salt before letting them slow cook on a cooler part of the grill until they’ve caramelized. Be sure to turn them at least once.
Porcini Steak. Do you know when to salt your steak? If you’re cooking tomorrow, sprinkle Caravel Gourmet's Porcini Sea Salt tonight - letting the salt sit on the steak longer (up to overnight) will make the steak even better. Don’t have time? Then salt it right before you cook it (like, within 3 minutes).
Baked Porcini Kale Chips. One of many options we have for seasoning kale chips, Caravel Gourmet's Porcini Sea Salt makes kale chips that zing with Porcini y flavor. Prep the kale as you normally would, toss with olive and the sea salt, and bake at 350F until the edges are brown.
Porcini Roasted Tomatoes. Use heirlooms or large, squat tomatoes for the best effect, though any will do. After you’ve cut your tomatoes into 1” slices, drizzle them in your favorite keto-friendly oil and sprinkle with Caravel Gourmet's Porcini Sea Salt before roasting them at 350F for 15 minutes or until soft in the center.
Braised Porcini Lamb Shank. Do you know when to salt lamb shank? If you’re cooking tomorrow, sprinkle a generous amount of Caravel Gourmet's Porcini Sea Salt tonight - letting the salt sit on the lamb longer (up to overnight) will do amazing things for this dish.